
  • How long is the HolyoCard valid?

    HolyoCards can be redeemed up to 24 months after their purchase.
  • How to redeem HolyoCard for my desired voucher?

    HolyoCards must be redeemed at www.holyo.com in the checkout process. Please follow the steps below choosing from more than 50 popular games and entertainment vouchers and pay for them by redeeming your Holyo Card 1. Go to www.holyo.com 2. Click "Redeem HolyoCard" button 3. Select your country 4...
  • What is HolyoCard?

    HolyoCard is a universal voucher that can be easily redeemed online for more than 50 popular games and entertainment vouchers. Whether it is a gift or bought for yourself, Holyo has something for everyone. Click here to see a video that explains how HolyoCard works.
  • Where to buy HolyoCard

    HolyoCards are available at selected retailers in Croatia: Müller Czech Republic: Geco, DM, Alza, Smarty, Aircash and Gifto.cz Greece: MyMarket, Posit and Netlink networks Slovenia: Müller Slovakia: Billa, Kaufland, Geco, Smarty Romania: Carrefour, Aircash, Kaseria, PayPoint, Qiwi, Selfpay and Z...
  • Where to find your HolyoCard's Serial Number

    You find both serial number and cash code of your HolyoCard on the cashier receipt: Whenever you have an issue with your HolyoCard and you need to contact our customer support, please send us the serial number. You can also just send us a photo of the receipt. This way we can clearly identify ...
  • Why have I received the message that the code for my HolyoCard is invalid or has expired?

    Most of the times, this error message is generated because the code was not inserted correctly. Please make sure you correctly capitalize. If the problem persists, please send an email to support@holyo.com and provide us with the serial number of your HolyoCard. The serial number is a 6-digit cod...